An iconic Hyde chippy will close its doors for the last time on December 23rd, after 50 years of service to the community. Grandfather, Cha Sing, came to England, from Canton in China and settled in Liverpool, working in the laundry business.

After the Second World War, he moved to Hyde, opening a laundry at 145 Market Street and a restaurant, named King Hong soon followed, which was mainly run by his son George Cha. In 1967, following the death of her husband, Kwan Kong emigrated to England, from Hong Kong, with her five young sons. The boys, aged between 2-11, went to local primary schools and all went to Greenfield Street Secondary. Kwan worked in the laundrette, until planning was submitted for a change of use, to a fish and chip shop in 1972, which finally opened on July 1st 1974.
The shop was then renamed Kongs and was run initially by Kwan and eldest son Poon. They were assisted by the other boys, whilst completing their education, with next eldest Won and Hang (who was known as Kai), joining the business full time on leaving school. The youngest two, Cheong and Ping, went on to university and other careers. In 1980, Poon left to open his own chippy shop in Flixton (retiring last year). Kwan passed away in 2005, leaving the business to Won and Kai, with help from their wives. In 2017, Won developed some health issues, so after Covid it was decided to slowly bring the business to a close. Further health issues more recently have led them to seek to sell or close the business sooner. They are looking forward to retirement at their homes in Stockport and finding new ways to fill their time. They wish to thank all their loyal customers, who have enjoyed their services over the many years. I’m sure most of Hyde would like to thank them for their quality produce and friendly service. They will be greatly missed by many.
Andy Richardson