The lads are back after a truly rotten time during covid and sad to say that Ben and Jake have moved on. Hand on my heart I will miss these guys and I was thinking how would they go on. I received an invite to Gorilla Manchester, a venue which is popular with bands and Manchester culture. I turned up nervous which quickly turned to excitement. The venue was packed, dark and gritty and a grunge kind of place which I love, I picked up my press badge and got to my spot before the lads were due on.
The two support bands New Revolution who were on first and Broke Casino we will see a lot more of these guys with Made In Manchester giving them a stage in the summer time. Back to Narrow Margin, the lads took to the stage and the crowd went crazy, Ian looked amazing with his punk look with make up hair style and fashion! Danny and Herbie truly hitting the notes on their guitars and bringing their unique sound to back up Ian’s voice. The drummer was banging, Daniel, his last gig with the boys. Ian was amazing the band were amazing and the crowd loved it. Hits like kids don’t dance, Are you proud? Where will you be? Check their page on Facebook and Instagram.

I am truly proud of the lads to film in my gritty way and take pictures of who they are on and off stage. They are truly here to stay and have a lot more to offer. Grazie to the lads and Gorilla Manchester for letting film and take pictures!
Thank you kindly Massimino Malacrino About Tameside