Tameside, Ashton in particular, has been a big inspiration for local band The Maitlands. The group was started by Carl L Ingram (Vocalist) and Francis Moran (Guitar) about 6 years ago after working in another band together. Saul Gerrard (drums) joined a few years later and then Matt Byrne (Bass), Stephen Ackley (Guitar) and most recent Paul Williams (Keys). We caught up with Carl and the group in Ashton to find out a little more, firstly where did they get their name?
“I wanted a name that didn’t really have a strong impact that wouldn’t conjure any particular definition of the sound. The name comes from the Tim Burton film Beetlejuice, it’s the name of the main family.”
And you write the bands material?
“Yes, I write the songs and we work as a group on putting the songs together. Being familiar with Ashton and having band members from Stalybridge and other local areas that’s why some of the songs have links.”
Yes, you’ve a few tracks that were inspired by Ashton?
“I’m constantly writing about places; you’ll notice that when you listen to the songs. She’s A Ghost on our last EP, that’s a fictional story about characters in the market. Then there’s Dead Slow, that’s about the multi-storey car park which came from the sign Dead Slow 5mph which also the front cover for the single. There’s loads of references in the lyrics that you’ll pick up on.”
How would you describe your style of music?
“Guitar heavy, we tend to get classed as a post punk band, but it doesn’t really sum us up, it could mean anything really. We are an indie band with a lot of bite which I think people will find.”
With the lifting of restrictions, The Maitlands will be appearing at their first gig of the year on the 9th July at The Night & Day Café on Oldham Street in Manchester. You can find The Maitlands on Spotify and Facebook.