Since the easing of restrictions Boots Opticians have expanded their services beyond urgent and essential care, which they have offered throughout the pandemic. The Denton practice is able to provide patient care depending on your needs and symptoms, but will still be prioritising essential and urgent patients. Some practices are also offering routine assessments, providing they have capacity. It is important to call your optical practice first, so they can assess whether you need a face-to-face appointment. During the pandemic if you have experienced problems with your eyesight that need to be investigated. Signs and Symptoms of Possible Vision Problems are –
Severe, sudden eye pain.
Recurrent pain in or around the eye.
Hazy, blurred, or double vision.
Seeing flashes of light or sudden bright floating spots.
Seeing rainbows or halos around lights.
Seeing floating “spider webs”
Seeing a “curtain coming down” over one eye.
If you have any concerns about your eyesight please contact the team at Boots Opticians in Denton.
Your Denton branch has introduced measures to ensure strict hygiene standards within the practice, and there will be a procedure in place to ensure the safety of patients and staff, as far as is possible. Please wear a cloth covering, such as a scarf or a bandana, over your mouth and nose to your appointment, as you would if using public transport. Gloves are not necessary, but please sanitize your hands when you arrive and avoid touching anything as much as possible.
If you, or anyone you live with, have a persistent cough and/or high temperature and/or loss of, or change in taste or smell (anosmia), do not enter the practice. Do not go to a GP, pharmacy or hospital. Return home and stay there for 14 days.